Saturday, April 29, 2006

A trap being set?

Todays article by James Travers in the TORSTAR details on the subject of the race for leadder of the opposition. In it he argues how many factors, age, obsession with power, relying on backroom operatives, are detrimental to a liberal party that truly needs to look in the mirror and realize it doesn't recognize its own reflection.

Have to agree with Jim's take on Rae especially, Bob is definitely a "cheese eater". This POV is based for my part on the adage that one is known by the comapny one keeps.

Traver's also made a prediction that when it came down to crunch time he expects Dion to throw his support behind Rae to keep Iggy from being crowned king. Truth be told, my prediciton is that a some of the candidates (Brison being most obvious) are not running to be leader, but instead to be king-maker, thereby obtaining powerful alliances for the next kick at the cats.

My only critique of Travers is that he doesn't see Dion as a front runner. From my perspective, I would see the lone francophone from Quebec running against an entire field of GTA anglo candidates all except one (Brison) in a race that is less about ideas and more about flavour of the moment politically correct rhetoric, Dion has all the attributes to win the race and be seen as a logical replacement to Stephen Harper. The others fail to see this as they try to sanitize a political ideology similar to the Harper conservatives but then sabotage it by demonizing Harper.

Frankly being on the right side of the political divide, I hope the liberals choose Rae or Iggy.

But then from what I'm do a lot of NDP supporters.

That will be the theme of my next post.

Monday, April 24, 2006

New candidates for leader? of the opposition.

Yesterday another contender joined the race for leader of the opposition that by his own admission, because he admitted to lying about an email indiscretion (ref Income Trust announcement) proves he has what it takes to lead the liberal party.

Today the man whose claim to fame is that while he was premier of Ontario he achieved such notable goals such as: record deficits, Rae Days, and photo radar, will be announcing his entry into the race.

The Chretien - Martin divide may be papered over. But the operatives that helped feed the fire are still around and still working in the party....including the ones that benefitted from Adscam.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Coward's action kills Canadian troops in Afghanistan

Saw this in my inbox this morning.

Before the anti-war crowd starts screaming for a pull-out try to remember why the troops are there in the first place. The deployment is our part in the war against those that would force a theocratic dictatorship on the world, where the same right that allows folks the ability to protest the deployment would be the severly curtailed. Most of all lets remember the troops are not conscripts, they volunteered* to serve.

Statement by Prime Minister Harper on the death of four Canadian soldiers

April 22, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement today, upon learning four Canadian soldiers were killed when their armoured G-Wagon was struck by a roadside bomb near the Gumbad platoon house at about 7:30 a.m. Kandahar time this morning.

“This morning, I learned that four Canadian soldiers had made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. They were Corporal Matthew Dinning, Bombardier Myles Mansell, Lieutenant William Turner and a forth soldier whose family has requested he not yet be named. All died serving their country.

These men were working to bring security, democracy, self-sufficiency and prosperity to the Afghan people and to protect Canadians' national and collective security. We will not forget their selfless contribution to Canada.

“On behalf of all Canadians, I extend our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and co-workers of these four brave men. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

“Canada’s mission in Afghanistan faces significant risks such as this daily. I am proud of the work that is being done there, and the men and women *who put their lives on the line every day to do it.”


Remember our troops and support them.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Some questions today.

-1- If the Natives protesting at Caledonia base their claim on a grant from the crown, doesn't this accept that a) the authority of the crown to give and take away said lands and b) that prior to having been given the grant the land belonged to a tribe other than the Six Nations?

-2- All the contenders (declared or otherwise) in the liberal leadership race keep saying that the race is about "ideas". Why haven't any of them declared some of these new ideas?

-3- Read a piece in the local rag this morning that Peter Mansbridge believes that its only a matter of time before Harper's defining moment is coming and that the media is anxiously awaiting it. Fair I guess. So my question would be, is the media so intent on defining that moment that they would overlook some other newsworthy story if it took the public attention away from a possible "defining moment"?

-4- If Saddam did manage to get WMD, would he have hesitated to use them, or give then to someone who would?


-5- Warren Kinsella mused a while back about something that defies explaination. If you put a certain verbage in your blog it increases traffic tenfold. Why is that?

Pam Anderson's breasts.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

First post

What are you going to see here?

Commentary on Canadian politics.

It will consist of opinion editorial type stuff, but trust me, as my blog name implies, rumours will be speculated on and opinion will be offered.

However the author will take pains to insure that no personal insults will be thrown...with the exception of recently promulgated nicknames of political leaders