Monday, September 24, 2007

The launch begins in 10

Update to the next election.

Duceppe makes his move first, with Layton close behind, Dion is last out of the gate to oppose the throne speech.

That leaves him holding the bag.

Here's something else to watch for. Ever wonder how the opposition parties would react if Harper made sure his government fell?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Ontario Provincial election


  • The big issue that the liberals don't want to talk about is law enforcement.
  • Dalton McGuinty was suppose to be at the leaders debate but I'll be damned if it wasn't Paul Martin standing in for him, that pledge to ban handguns was reminiscent of a pledge to eliminate the NWSC.
  • The school funding issue is unfolding as it should with questions starting to arise about the hypocrisy of how if McGuinty is against funding for faith based schools, but says its OK to fund catholic faith based schools.
  • The liberal war room must be getting scared, they are using WK"s "secret agenda" attack. Hate to break it to them but this isn't a campaign where you can vilify another part of the province without alienating a hell of a lot of voters, and secondly John Tory is not Stockwell Day. Warren, don't give up your day job.
  • Oct 8 is going to be rather interesting around Caledonia. If violence erupts, expect Dalton to blame it all on someone else. Somehow though I get the feeling that the OPP rank and file might be getting tired of being jerked around and forced to do their job with one hand tied around their cajones. If something happens that day I wonder if any top ranking OPP will respond to any orders to stand by?
  • The liberals are letting their arrogance get the best of them. If they where smart they would can the talk of majority.
  • The MMP thing? I'm voting against it, why should we entrench a system whereby the party leaders get to award a seat in the legislature to party hacks...sounds like the senate to me, no thanks. If you want PR it has to be by riding, rather than a candidate winning poll by poll, use an aggregate of the total vote in the riding, then impose a voter turnout threshold. If the total voter turnout for the riding is say less than 40% (or whatever percentage is agreed to) that riding is redistributed to neighbouring riding's or to the neighbouring riding that had the highest voter turnout. That is how you achieve a goal of higher participation, which was the whole point of the exercise wasn't it? Right now folks don't see face any consequences by not participating, the incentive of retaining not only your vote but of the parties having one less seat in the house would motivate quite a few folks to come out not just during elections but to join a political party as well.
  • John Tory doesn't have to win to keep his job, but Dalton must to keep his. Hint: There's a fellow with the initials JK that still has his eyes on the big chair.
  • The defining moment may come as a result of the events unfolding in Caledonia. But the last thing the liberals should have done is threaten CHCH for running that story. Dalton is in trouble.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The byelection thing

The post results navel gazing has begun with both the left and right putting spin or explaination out to their hearts content. Here's mine:

  1. It wouldn't have mattered a bit who the liberal leader was, the liberal option is either not clear due to the party policy of appease everyone, offend no one, or not dissimilar from the other leftwing parties. That makes them a purely leftwing party where small-l liberals don't feel comfortable.
  2. Predicting the next election is going to be a lot tougher due to the fact that Harper's options just increased. The liberals will be torn between supporting the current government until they can get their party back in contention or they will arrange a coup (which involves losing an election and letting Harper win) so they can ditch a sitting leader(....isn't that how they got Martin?). Right now the liberal party is split between blue liberals and orange liberals. They both want power, but they are arguing over how to get there. If I was Jack Layton I'd be campaigning on a platform of uniting liberal's under one banner.
  3. Take a good look at the crew supporting the NDP in Outremont. These are Quebec liberals. If there was ever a group of fair weather friends they would be it. The minute the liberals ditch Dion they will reconsider where they send their support to, however if its anyone but a Quebecer, they'll be where they are right now. Watch for Justin Trudeau to make his move for the big chair. I am hoping he does, Harper will get a majority if Justin is coronated liberal leader.

What a great day to be a conservative.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Is that beer and popcorn I smelll?

I wonder if Warren will be sending a libel chilll missive to Kate soon?

The liberals may want to make school funding the election issue but unfortunately its about Caledonia.

Big h/t to all the folks running with this story and especially CHCH for standing its ground.
