Wednesday, April 23, 2008

code of silence?

I got wind that the conservative bloggers are "speaking volumes" from their silence over the EC seizure at CPC HQ.

The silence is based on one premise.

We're conservatives so naturally we don't engage in debate with idiots.

But just so its undertsood.

Liberal Adscam - LPC laundered tax dollars through an uncontrolled program run through the PMO to funnel same into liberal ridings in Quebec. Documentation of these actions was purposely not done. Estimated to be an amount of 41 million tax payer dollars.

The so-called in and out scandal - The conservative party sent money to riding associations to buy adverts. Said funds came from fund raising from conservatives and all is documented. Estimated to be an amount of 1 million in donations from the membership.

See the difference.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why HRC cannot go negative

Because when (not if) she does, the republicans just sit back and take notes for the general election. Effectively what her negative attacks will do is excuse any republican attack on her.

The double edge sword is that the "experts" are now saying this is the only way she can win. So if she wins this way she can't whine about return fire during the general election. If she doesn't go on the attack, the general election won't be a mud slinging contest. Either way, Obama comes out smelling like a rose and she ends up with mud on her face.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Working on a new list

Everybody does one of these.

I'll call it the top list of people that are damaging the liberal party.

So far they are.

Justin Trudeau - Because he thinks he's entitled to his dad's old job.

Micheal Ignatieff - Because he really isn't a liberal.

Bob Rae - Because he not only thinks he's entitled to lead the party, but also because he really isn't a liberal but a socialist.

Elizabeth May - Though she's not a liberal she is doing the damage that comes with being associated with them. Dion should do his party a favour and break the "agreement".

General cataegories are

Quebec Young Liberals - If there was any group that has more influence than it deserves I can't think of one. Its the behaviour of this group and how it will skew any position the party takes out to the far left, has convinced me that giving special party status to interest groups is a recipe for disaster. The LPC should seriously consider doing away with the delegated convention before the next leadership vote, otherwise they can treat themselves to a repeat of the least disliked candidate being the winner.

The media - The perception that these guys are in the tank for the liberal party can only have so much credability. The fact is that the media isn't interested in political allegiance as much as sensationalism. And frankly its always so much more shocking when a paragon of conservative ideaology is involved in a scandal than a liberal one because liberal ideology is basically to excuse all the behaviours that are considered scandalous. Once a behaviour is no longer considered scandalous the media tends to ignore it and go look elsewhere. But I digress, the point is that the media cannot be depended on to righteously trot out the liberal talking points like they once where. Frankly its much more sensational to report on the latest misstep of the opposition liberals than it is to report on a complicated story on a percieved wrongdoing the liberals want to use for their own partisan purposes.....worse so by the fact that its obvious why the liberals are doing it. No the media is no friend of the liberal party, they care only for their own.

Party bagmen- Their problem is they only support the meal ticket and not the party as a whole. Once this meal ticket is down and out they take their toys and go home, until the next sure thing comes along. the problem for liberals is twofold. One, when they don't have a golden boy or girl to hitch the wagon to they will be throwing brickbats at the current leadership if not providing the ammo. Secondly, there's a great many "hangers-on" that hold liberal memberships, and they inhabit one faction or another in the liberal party. Folks like these care less about the direction of the country, and more for whats in it for them. These are the folks the media likes to refer to as "anonyous source" and can always be depended on for the added content for the prewritten template.

KHS - And guys like him. These are the folks that liberals look at as the useful individual. The problem is that guys like Karl regard politicians as useful idiots. Nuff said, if Dion wants to regain some street cred, he needs to pull his caucus on the carpet next meeting and in no uncertain terms let it be known that this guy is poison ivy.

This is a preliminary list and will be refined when I can collect the quotable quotes and factual content. Seeing as the conventional limit set by the opposition is now 17 years there should be plenty to work with.
