Saturday, May 24, 2008

The pot calls out the kettle


Thursday, May 01, 2008

There is no free lunch II

There are times when the limousine liberals and silver-spoon socialists make statements that they think support their cause and whats said does the exact opposite.

"I have a feeling they would have been horrified and they would have killed it and it would never have gotten made because it needed the co-production deal and Telefilm money to get made,"

Uhm think.

Basically admitting that the trash they make would never see the light of day unless there was a generous sponsor that never questioned what the time and money was being used for......sort of like the unwritten agreement between Paul Martin and Jean Chretien over sponsorship funds.

Reminds of an experience years ago when I was in elementary school.
Being somewhat naive, and having managed to get access to the schools tape recorder, I spent a few recesses amusing myself with the excuse of actually doing some useful "research". When my teacher got wind of what the actual output was the practice was soon put to a stop.
It was a useful life lesson that if you want to waste time and resourses do it on your own dime and not funds meant for their original intent. The film makers that want to continue to create movies that will probably never be seen or "appreciated" outside of their own elitist circle, should suck it up and go find private funding. If not, then perhaps they could make something that was worth seeing. I don't advocate tax dollars for porn or experimental film making.

The best part of the election threat over this is, that it once again puts the opposition in the position of supporting the elitist special interest group that live off of tax payer funded programs and not on the side of the poor slobs like us forced to support them through taxation......that would put the conservatives once again on the side of the majority.
If I was one of the small-c conservatives that still inhabited the liberal party (if there is such a thing) they must by now be questioning what happened to their party.
If Dion is smart, he won't bite. Leave this one for the NDP and the Bloc.

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