Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Looks like they should have checked with the lawyers before they launched their not an election campaign. It looks like the owners of the Green Shift name are concerned about their integrity taking a hit if affiliated with the LPC.....like the LPC was somehow a group you don't want to be connected with.

"For us to take this further [against the Liberals], it's a David and Goliath
problem," Wright said. "We're fine on our own, without any political
affiliation. We've done everything to build our name on trust and

...Moving right along....

Lets ask the question, just who would have to pay this carbon tax?

Here's one answer.

"In this case, that would be either Ontario consumers or provincial
taxpayers who would be zapped for more than $1 billion a year, an increase of at
least 20% in the operating costs of the utility, including its nuclear and
hydro-electric facilities. "

A subtext to this is that when the election does come Harper will campaign on tax cuts and no new taxes.


Friday, June 20, 2008

A debt of thanks to Stephane Dion

With this new liberal GST* tax platform, Dion has just ensured a Harper majority.

*Green Shift Tax

Bring it on.
