Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Ontario have-not...not for long

Alright I'm pissed. Enough of the whining about "unprecedented economic situations".

People must have the blinders on. How do they think our ancestors handled coming to North America?
Back in the bad old days there was no welfare roles, no EI, nor social programs, hell you'd be lucky to find a doctor that was available in the 1800's, much less likely if you didn't happen to be white or live in the right neighbourhood.

So I ask, what the hell is wrong with people. Grow a pair, pull up your socks and get to work.
No work around? The high paying union job went south? You have choices folks.
You can sit there and wait for something to come around, or let yourself become part of the great victimhood scam...or you can try something else.
Create a business, go after success.
Don't be discouraged by naysayers, its something called work. But its ultimately more rewarding than complaining about your lot, or that the government isn't doing enough....yessh.
Ah but don't think I don't feel your pain. Changing your standard of living can be quite a change, especially if you've never known what its like to live without a phone, much less a cell phone.
Think of it this way.
Here in North America, we have limitless opportunity restricted only by our own limitations (fears of failure). In China, Cuba, Venezula, places that restrict movement and success you don't get that opportunity. You don't see protesters in Pakistan bitching about cuts to arts funding do you? This is why I think this current so-called crisis is one that we not only come out of, but that we will come out of stronger than before.

So the next time you start hearing some "expert" that is on the public tit expound on the dire economic times, please restrain that urge to sceam obscenities or threaten physical harm, and instead laugh at them and ask "if times are so bad, why do you still have a job?"

I'll close this post paraphrasing a decent piece of logic from Wayne Gretzsky that describes the socialists to a tee.

"They hate us and they don't want us to win"

I want to win, we've shown in the past that we can win, I think we will win.
