Thursday, April 30, 2009

Who would promise special status for Quebec

The question is as follows:

What kind of an aspirant for the job of Prime Minister of Canada be most likely offer to enshrine in the constitution special status for Quebec?

Would Stephen Harper?
Would Jack Layton?

How about Mikey Ignatieff?
Seems his poll numbers have gone up in Quebec, and the media really haven't done a good job of keeping track of what he says....or at least reporting and pointing out the disparities depending on what time zone he's speaking in.

Considering Iggy is willing on any given day to offer governing interest in exchange for power, I'll submit that the propability he would offer "meat on the bone" to the closet separatists in Quebec is quite high.

The equation works like this MSM.

The ROC gets to pay for all the patronage going to Quebec (higher taxes), Quebecers are then brainwashed that the ROC owes it to them (bigger government in Ottawa and Quebec)....because well, they have Quebec institutions that are critical to something or other that are darn well neccessary that without them....the country will just not be the same without....or something like that.

I wonder when the media is going to figure this out?
Trudeau did it, Chretien did it, hell even Mulroney did it and figured out too late whats so bad about it when Bouchard double crossed him.

MSM do your job.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama's world is about to turn

I had posted in the past that having Obama around was good in that it would get more people involved in the political process.....thats the good side.

Now the bad least for you people that get shivers up your leg when he speaks.

See his numbers about to tank.

Its like this. This guys about to encounter the real america, not the silver spoon socialists he hob nobs with.
No I don't mean he will be confronted or attacked by them, but he will start to see more and more of the tea parties. If he likes to pretend they don't exist, or that clown school that surrounds him keeps telling him they're just a bunch of far rightwing activists working for the republican party, he's going to get a shock when their congressional reps and senate reps start getting pressured by them.

Is there a good side to this?

Yes there always is.
See that "clown school" that groomed him and created his persona, will be outed as the bunch of elitist snobs they are. Them and the carpet baggers that want a cut of his success will also get painted with the same communist brush.
That also includes certain liberal party leaders trying to pad their resume.
