Friday, October 23, 2009

Iggy, look over your left shoulder

The recent polls have been kind to the conservatives of late, but you may also want to analyse the shift on the political left.
What I'm talking about is how the liberal party is now being divided with the left wing openly organizing and recruiting candidates out west in BC, and the ever dwindling number of blu-libs in the liberal party.
Where are they headed?
Matters not, what does matter is that the far-left of the LPC is going to have a coup and they don't much care who takes the top job as long as it isn't Iggy or one of his carpet baggers.
By the way, Bob Rae isn't on their top ten list either, but I'll bet they will want him to think so.
Just long enough to have that next leadership vote.
But then, thats when the real sea change happens in the LPC.
Because if they haven't weighed their ridings, OMOV means whatever ridings have the votes, carry the day. Those by the way, are the ridings that consistently elect folks like Heady Fry and Paublo Rodrigez.
Now from what I've heard Prince Justin seems to "fill halls" wherever he goes. Good for him.
Uhm one question though?
Are the halls filled with folks that remember and long for his father, are they folks in the liberal party that stayed home after they saw what Pierre did to the country, or are they like the snowboarder out west that wants to run against Stockwell Day?
Ask that question of yourselves with this thought in mind, which demographic will show up on election day?
Do they really want to sacrifice for their country, or is it just because they see a party and want to have some fun?

One last thing, that sentencing hearing thats taking place in Quebec over Adscam, seems the subjective that this had more to do with the spat between Martin and Chretien is starting to be proven.
Chretien used tax dollars to buy support.
Discovers one day that somebody plotting to oust him is dipping into his personal "honeypot".
Can't blow the whistle on them without outing himself.
Calls his cabinet together to order them all to stop organizing.
Everybody shows up but the FM.
One of Chretien's operatives with a bone to pick with the Martin operatives puts a bug in da little guys ear.
Da Liddle Guy calls his FM on the carpet and puts him on the spot.
FM, says he has to think about his decision, but tells this to Rex Murphy, not da Boss.
Da Boss calls the media and announces his FM has resigned.
Not long after the media is leaked info that the government has been funnelling tax payer dollars to ridings associations through ad agencies for little or no work.
AG tables report and confirms that little to no work was done after da liddle guy has left the big chair to Dithers.
Dither's realizes he's been had and panics.
Subsequent election gives him a minority and the knives are shown but kept in the sheath.
Meanwhile, Martin operatives run down to Hawwvawwd and hoodwink another stool pidgeon into running in a safe seat because "he will be PM when the current guy resigns".
Bucky loses election and promptly resigns, leaving LPC in the lurch for a new leader.

Now how does this tie into this post?


When Martin went into a panic, he desperately needed to hang onto power by any means possible. To do that he pandered to the left, he offered an inch, they took a mile and took over the party, big time.
Martin's balance to the left of the LPC was gone in a flash, and right of center voter is now not welcome in the LPC.
Where will they go?

So you see, its not whether there is another right of center leadership contender in the liberal party or not, with OMOV, unless he/she can fool the left wing of the party that makes up the bulk of the membership they are "liberal" enough, the next leader is going to be further left than Dion.

And once again the polls only tell you half the story.

Friday, October 16, 2009

the party logo on government cheques

First point: this was just plain stupid. Though not on the level of Adscam, its where the narrative starts. So don't do this anymore okay. Show up, do the glad handing, cut the ribbons, pose for the photo-op....but please do not hand out the cheque with the party logo on it.

Second point: This is for the PMO's office if you guys are doing a Google search on this subject. Changing the channel on this is very easy. Table a motion in the HoC to end the political subsidy. Right now the relations between the liberals, the NDP and the Bloc make a coalition agreement impossible, that means if the government goes down there will be an election. That means whoever is last out of the gate saying how their party will vote gets the blame for an election. That means means the last guy will come out with some logic as to why their party will support the government, or alternatively scramble around trying to find some cover that they had no choice, the problem of course is that if the vote is on stopping tax payer funding to political parties it makes the parties voting against such a measure look greedy. Which takes the air out of their current attack and puts the target on them for the duration of the campaign. Kind of hard to vote against such a measure when the liberals just spent the most of this week crying scandal over the party logo. Regardless, it provides an easy segue to the story that writes itself, and gives the pundit industry a boost as every one of them will have their mug on any panel anywhere to talk about a possible election.
The crux of it is that if this was tabled, Iggy will have a bitch of a time keeping caucus solidarity between the guys sharpening the knives pushing for an election (chreteinites), and the other faction that wants to avoid one to maintain some claim to fiscally responsible managers of the economy (martinites).

Like I said, changes the channel, and gives the media something intriging to report.

Other bits:
  • The Noble committee has officially jumped the shark.
  • Lizzie May is going to destroy the Green party, my quandry is figuring out if this is a bad thing or a good thing.
  • Trying to muzzle Fox is a very bad idea, just bumps their numbers and makes it look like the other guys are in the tank for the big O
  • Just a thought, if the networks are complaining about the cable companies airing their programming without paying for it, take them to small claims. After watching you guys trash conservatives for so long, asking for more public support (new taxes) is a bit rich.
  • Iggy, the green shift didn't work last time, it won't work this time. The problem is that particular platform has been framed as the "liberals tax on everything", we don't intend on letting the voters forget that.
