Thursday, March 17, 2011

A simple observation

Its a simple observation really, that came to me like a bolt out of the blue.

What makes a leader?
For that matter what motivates the people that follow them?

Take Sarah Pallin for example. Why does she seem to retain levels of support far in excess of numbers even the current president can't sustain?
She reflects the beliefs of those that follow her.
Not only that, but they can tell that with her those beliefs are authentic, and not patronizing.

Lets look at the crop of "leaders" in Canada and do a comparison.
Stephen Harper has a base because those that support him, even those that don't like him, see him for what he is. He is what he is.
Jack Layton, though he has beliefs that don't resonate among those that don't believe in the workers paradise as espoused by Marx and Engels, he's the real deal. He truly believes what he says, and you can take that to the bank. Gilles Duceppe, actually is very reflective of what a separatist believes, that the ROC will cave in to their demands (please note that this is the foundation of the separatists credo, separation is the last thing they want).

Now why do you suppose I came to this conclusion?
It has to do with a certain young liberal MP from Quebec, whose father happened to be PM, decided he thought the language used in a recently released government pamphlet was too strong on the subject of genital mutilation and "honour killings". He seemed to think that the wording might cause some to be defensive. He offered what he called an apology, but what it sounded like was an admonition to his critics that they just didn't understand what he was saying, as if to say, some people got upset over what he said because they just didn't understand what he was saying.
Then I thought, where else have I heard a similar statement?
But of course, his current leader also has the same response when he also gets caught in the rhetorical weeds.
But I thought a bit more and as a matter of fact, this affliction began to appear in liberal leaders since about the time that John Turner took over the reigns of the LPC.
This affliction is evident among those that frequent the bars and lounges and say something witty, and make small talk, hoping to get lucky, because they know how to say witty things and make small talk. Yet everybody else knows, not one word of it is authentic, its just a pickup line.
But I digress, what Justin hasn't realized is that we do understand what he said, and we also understand that this is exactly who he and most of the self-appointed intelligentsia of the LPC are.
