Friday, September 30, 2011

The SCOC couldn't rule on a checkers match

So let me get this straight?
The SCOC has ruled that heroin users have a right to insite because its considered treatment.
What they missed like the nose on their face, is that nobody was endowed at birth with an addiction. Addictions are an imposition that either freely entered into, or forced into, is not required to continue life. Matter of fact, addictions in some cases, can be down right fatal.

This decision, was not based in law, this was another read in to the charter, based on nothing more than a fashonable trend, and will do nothing but incite vigilante behaviour by those more militantly opposed to the drug culture.
The other outcome is that these inner cities that allow places like insite to exist will drive away the productive (and tax paying) citizens to jurisdictions which refuse to have these blights located in their neighbourhoods.
The only justice that could come out of this is if insite opened a clinic next door to each of the justices homes.
