Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dion to be a poverty huckster.

So Steffi wants to wait to see whats in the budget before "deciding" to bring down the government.

Judging from the verbosity of certain liberal MP's of late, the current stock market condition. and the prominence Justin Trudeau has been given by the media, sounds like the liberals want to be the champions of the poor.
This was the same strategy Trudeau used many years ago and when he won that election proceeded to create a record deficit and the condidtions that lead to record interest rates (21%).

Returning to Trudeau era spending, deficits, and interest rates is not a sound economic policy for Canada.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Planted questions I'd like to hear.

"Senator Clinton, if you are successful in your campaign for President, will your husband be a member of your cabinet?"

"Mr Dion, if combat troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan, how does that keep the Taliban from regaining control of the country?"

"Mayor Miller, how do you adjust to a lower standard of living resulting from increased taxation?"

""Mr McGuinty, if native occupiers are not removed, doesn't that create two-tier justice?"


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire

NBC decides to call Hillary as the winner.

I can sum up my analysis in one sentence.

Left wing kook fringe rescues Clinton in New Hampshire.