Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ontario supreme court decision on laws that protect us against whoring

The title of this post is purposely inflammatory, the reason I used it is to provide balance against the media's intent to sanitize the so-called trade from any connection to human trafficking. So as long as they refer to a "landmark decision" instead of calling it a controversial decision, I'll continue to refer to the "trade" for what it is, human trafficking.

Now let me digress.

The appeal by the government will be successful for the following reason. The plaintiff based their argument on a matter of not having a choice as the law was forcing them to take their whoring underground.
No choice, that's the tipping point.
If they had no choice, its not the law that's the problem, its that they choose this lifestyle, if the counter argument is that they had the lifestyle forced on them or that they where forced into the trade, then its a clear case of human trafficking, also against the law.

What the plaintiff will be forced to do is explain to the court how being a whore is right, and those girls who say they are being forced into sexual slavery are liars.

My preference of course is for the government to table a non confidence motion to use the NWS clause. Love to see the opposition fight an election on that one. Odds are the liberals would find a way to let it pass using the fig leaf defence.


Monday, September 20, 2010

The North American Doctrine

To whom it may concern:

Modern North America is ideologically alien to the concept of feudalism in the many forms it permutates itself into. It is the writers obligation however to provide the reader with the premise of what I believe constitutes feudalism.

The formation of a feudal system of governance requires that three forces be imposed on its people, namely:

  1. A hereditary government - A government determined by birthright.
  2. A state imposed religion - a religion given primacy by legal fiction.
  3. A class structure - A stratification and limit placed on the population, based on a system of class, privilage or religious order.

Because the events that led to the development of what is now called North America, it is self-evident that this continent did so by rejecting the concepts of hereditary government, state sponsored religion, and limitatons on the individual to reach his or her ultimate potential.

Yet even now, forces are at work in the world to impose some form of feudalism on mankind.

With the intent of providing a guiding principle to oppose to those forces, the writer has offered the following doctrine (with apologies to Madison).


  1. This doctrine maintains that no part of North America be subjected to any type of foreign incursions by invasion or by stealth, and that the democratic goverments formed on this continent are inherently North American.
  2. That North American's are content to be North American's. That no culture or foreign influence should presume to use offence to this fact or seek to impose international laws, sanction, or ideological dictate that seek to take away the democratic rights of North American's.
  3. That the primary political ideology of North America is democracy. No foreign body, agency, or force outside of the democratically elected Nations of North America has the legal authority to subvert, or work to subvert through a proxy body, the legitimacy of those governments of North America.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Tomorrow is 9-11

Tomorrow is a day of great significance.
I've been thinking of a way that would appropriately commemorate this day.
The only way I can think of is to remember those that have given their lives to fight those that would perpetrate an act like the one that happened nine years ago.

On November 11 we remember those that gave their lives to protect our freedom.
On September 11 we realize what happens when we forget.

Here's to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
...oh yeah and anything else that drives the "pretend muslim" terrorists nuts.


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rat out an illegal

Kudos to the conservatives for focusing on the problem of human traffiking.

I've long considered this problem to be far reaching, not just those that would force an illegal immirant into a life of servitude, but also those that deal in prostitution (willingly or unwillingly).

This needs to stop, and the useful idiots that want to legalize either prostitution or de-criminalize pot need to understand this. The criminal element will never bargain in good faith, not even among themselves.

So here's what will be a step in the right direction.

Rat out an illegal.

Lets cut off the air supply to this nefarious business.

You come here illegally or you assist in the perpetuation, you will be ratted out, there will be nowhere to hide.
Better find somewhere else to land illegally. North America just became a no go zone.