Tuesday, October 19, 2010

falling liberal fortunes

First point of order. The false outrage over the conservative government making the census long form voluntary hasn't damaged them, nor has much else.
Harper has become not only teflon, he's also not some nancyboy like the opposition leaders and their pack of toadies.
Fantino is going to win the Vaughn by-election and Iggy will have to make plans to move out to make room for that other nancyboy Justin Trudeau.
Speaking of the foo-foo, he's been seen of late street walking with George Smitherman trying to help him stop Rob Ford. What George and Justin seem to miss (and the rest of hte liberal brain trust) is that its not the candidate that is what has voters stirred up, its the message. Toronto's problem is a spending problem, not a tax problem. Whoever wins is going to be forced to swallow some tough medicine, in the process the mayor of TO will no doubt alienate every social group, union, and left wing cause within a 500 km radius of the big smoke. They will have no choice because the creditor will tell them they have to cut, and if they don't the creditor's will foreclose. Soit doesn't matter if its George or Rob, they have to cut. The question Toronto voters have to ask themselves is this. Who do you believe has the guts to actually stare down the special interests.
My money's on the fatman.
But I digress.
Iggy's been of late singing the "fiscal conservative" meme. His problem is that soon Harper will throw down the gaunlet of eliminating the political subsidy. Kind of hard to accuse the guy who actually kept a promise to cut the GST, of not being fiscally prudent when you are the successor to the guy that promised to "kill da GST" and then failed to do so.
