Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Conservative moment of the week Aug 27 - Sep 2

The envelope please.

"Still anti-Americanism is very much connected to the Canadian identity. Canadian hatred for George W. Bush and his war on terrorism is massive. Bush-hatred is definitely anti-American. Anti-Americanism has always been tied up with the Canadian identity. Anti-Americanism is dangerous and reeks of racism. Harper has been right in fighting it. The NDP and Liberals are too prone to be anti-American."

Lets all join hands and sing

Can some please tell Stephane Dion that setting up a park bench or a research station doesn't imply to the international community that you actually have ownership of the land.

Perhaps he'd like to try his theory in the middle-east?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

On the cusp of Autumn

The fall is coming with the falling of the leaves, cooling temperatures, and shorter days.
The summer is passing, and as is won't to do our minds ponder the coming end of year.

Most notably for us political nuts we look forward to the reconviening of Parliament.

Unless of course your a liberal.

They may say much like SpongeBob "I'm Ready" but they might want to think twice about triggering an election this fall.

"They also need to keep in mind that voters have endured two elections in
two years, and are less than excited about a third one. "

And as an update to yesterdays bit of screed on media, Steve over at Angry in the Great White North has followed up on the theme of liberals supporting terrorists.


Alan Tonk's letter is not dated. I would like to give this Liberal the benefit of the doubt, and assume that he expressed support for the PMOI before it was listed as a terrorist group.But I can't. The problem is that the bombing of the water supply happened this July:

Friday, August 25, 2006

Media leaping across the credability divide

I saw this story last night about Jason Kenny "talking to a banned terrorist group" and I didn't want to comment too soon. What got me was the muted response from the usual suspects that would normally jump all over this and vilify a consevative as proof yet again of "scary conservatives". Lets review then:

1- The headliner from CTV says "Tory MP attended rally for group on terror list". Okay, then what group would that be? The televised story won't mention it, but they did have the decency to make note that the story is attributed to the Toronto Star
2- The TORSTAR story does mention who the "group " is and that when Kenny was invited they neglected to mention that they had ties to MEK.
3- The political front for this group is now claiming support from the government with a picture posted on their website of Kenny speaking to the rally on Parliament Hill, which Kenny admits he did not know about.
4- Both sources note that it was a rally at Parliament Hill, however there is a disparity in the numbers attending. The Star quoted Kenny "about 30 in attendance" CTV quotes the websites "dozens", Whose right?

Here's some quotes with links.

First CTV

"(Kenney) started his speech by welcoming participants to the rally on his own behalf as well as the Prime Minister and stressed that the new Canadian government would work hard to establish fundamental freedoms in Iran," it says.The group, which describes itself as the parliament-in-exile of the Iranian resistance, has been lobbying to persuade governments in the United State and United Kingdom to remove it from their terror blacklists.

And the story from the Star with the appropriate parts highlighted

The NCRI website says the April rally that Kenney attended was organized by "the Committee in Defence of Human Rights in Iran.".......

He said he did not know the rally was in support of PMOI prisoners. He said it was a small crowd of about 30 people. "I told them I would pass by if I could. And I was running up to the Hill, I just literally grabbed a megaphone and said that the Canadian people would stand in solidarity with the Iranian people in their wish for respect for human dignity and human rights and democracy, and these were universal aspirations that all people in every country deserve to have respected, and you know, our government will stand for those universal values. "I honestly don't recall any particular grievance that they had about any particular person in Iran or Iraq or somebody who's pending execution. At least that wasn't brought to my attention." Kenney said he is well aware that the PMOI is also known as the MEK and is listed as a terrorist group. He then specifically recalled questioning the man who invited him ? whose name he said he could not recall ? at a meeting in Kenney's office after the parliamentary committee meeting. He asked if the man had any ties to "those radicals in the People's Mojahedin. And he laughed or denied it or something." "I wanted to be sure there wasn't a connection," said Kenney. "I came away with the impression that there was no connection whatsoever." Kenney said he also later asked a staffer to double-check the background of the Committee for Human Rights in Iran to be sure it was a mainstream organization. The staffer said he couldn't "seem to find anything problematic about them."......
......On Tuesday, Kenney slammed a trio of opposition MPs who visited Lebanon and who called for a dialogue with Hezbollah, which has a political wing and elected members in the Lebanese government, in order to reach a peace plan. Kenney compared Hezbollah to the German Nazi party of the 1930s and said there should be no talks with a terrorist organization even if it boasts democratic support. "We need to learn the lessons of history," Kenney told a news conference. "There was another political party in the past which had democratic support, which provided social services, which played an important role in the political life of Germany in the 1930s, which was also dedicated to violence against the Jewish people."
Peggy Nash and company were explicitly talking about negotiations with Hezbollah, a banned illegal terrorist organization. "I, of course, would never advocate the delisting of the MEK or the People's Mojahedin or any other organization deemed by our security and intelligence agencies to be a terrorist entity."

So if you read the whole story instead of just relying on the headliner you come away with a totally different point of view of just what happened.

If you just pick up on the headline scrolling across the CTV newsnet screen, you think the conservative MP is being hypocritical, read the whole story and and you find out Kenny was duped into speaking to a very small gathering saying nothing more than what was government policy, whereas the same article very clearly points out the foreign policy missteps of the liberal and NDP parties.

The only surprise was that these details where written in the Toronto Star.
As Joel over at PTBC would say "that ain't liberal".

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

conservative moment of the week Aug 20 - 26

"enough already with Trudeaumania, I've just about had it with the beatification of Pierre Elliott Trudeau."

Pat Martin NDP MP

Monday, August 21, 2006

said Diamond. "These are views that are way out of the mainstream. Canadians need to know that these are the views of their MPs."

I tend to agree. The folks back home should be made aware of the fact that their MP might want a terrorist group not called a terrorist group. The lib-left once again prove why they can't be trusted.

Mr. Wrzesnewskyj said: "When you realize that a mistake has been made that does not provide for a solution, you don't entrench your decision."

Heavens no Mr. Wrzesnewskyj, that would be like making a principled decision. And the only principle that matters (for liberals) is power at all costs.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I am a pilot

I recently saw this is making the rounds. I don't have any name to contribute or credit this to but it makes the point rather well.

Dear Terrorists, I am a Navy Aviator. I was born and raised in a small town in
New England. I come from a family of five. I was raised in a middle class home
and taught my values by my mother and father.

My dad worked a series of
jobs in finance and my mom took care of us kids. We were not an overly religious
family but attended church most Sundays. It was a nice small Church.

have a brother andSister and I am the youngest in my family. I was the first in
many generations to attend college.

I have flown Naval aircraft for 16
years. For me the flying was never a lifelong dream or a "calling," it just
happened. I needed a job and I liked the challenge. I continue to do it today
because I feel it is important to give back to a nation which has given so much
to me. I do it because, although I will never be rich, my family will be
comfortable. I do it because many of my friends have left for the airlines and
someone has to do it.

My government has spent millions to train me to
fly these multi-million dollar aircraft. I make about 70,000 dollars a year and
after 20 years will be offered a pension. I like baseball but think the players
make too much money. I am in awe of firemen and policemen and what they do each
day for my community, and like teachers, they just don't get paid enough.

I respect my elders and always use sir or ma'am when addressing a
stranger. I'm not sure about kids these days but I think that's normal for every

I tell you all this because when I come for you, I want you
to know me. I won't be hiding behind a woman or a child. I won't be disguised or
pretending to be something I am not.

I will be in a U.S. Issue flight
suit. I will be wearing standard US issue flight gear, and I will be flying a

Navy aircraft clearly marked as a US warplane.

I wish we could
meet up close in a small room where I could wrap my hands around your throat and
slowly squeeze the life out of you, but unfortunately,

You're hiding in
a hole in the ground,

So we will have to do this a different way.

I want you to know also that I am very good at what I do. I can put a
2,000 lb weapon through a window from 10,000 feet up. I generally only fly at
night, so you may want to start sleeping during the day. I am not eager to die
for my country but I am willing to sacrifice my life to protect it from animals
like you.

I will do everything in my power to ensure no civilians are
hurt as I take aim at you.

My countrymen are a forgiving bunch. Many are
already forgetting what you did on Sept 11th.

But I will not forget!!

I am coming. I hope you know me a little bit better, see you
soon...sleep tight.


A U.S. Navy Pilot

Our Soldiers are one

Of our greatest assets!

God Bless

Friday, August 18, 2006

lies, danm lies...and statistics

Thomas Kerr of the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV-AIDS said several studies he has helped conduct show that the three-year-old safe-injection site has prevented infection from shared needles and does not promote drug use nor increase related crime.

How is an injection “safe” if the stuff in the shringe is either poisonous, contaminated, or both?

My point is that anyone with a legitimate use for an injection (insulin) doesn't need to legitimize their actions with a "safe injection site".
It might not increase crime, but you can be sure the drug sellers are glad their market is secured for them.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Conservative moment of the week

The envelope please.

"We have created a large infrastructure (around AIDS) that is largely
unaccountable," he told the audience of hundreds. "No wonder things aren't getting better. We have designed the system to fail."Clinton and Gates have been treated at the conference "like some kind of royalty," but it is activists on the ground who really make the difference, "

Todays Diatribe and Screed on the race for Stornoway

James Travers has decided the liberal race is now a contest between the three stooges

Michael Harris of the Ottawa Sun compares Iggy to JFK. No not that JFK, the other one.

Speaking of Iggy, lets remember these words of wisdom he imparted on liberal delegates during his key note address at their last convention.

“You know what's happened? Amazing thing has happened, I missed a page from my speech. So you're looking at a panic stricken speaker. In the middle of a struggle to find a missing page of his speech...whatya know about that? Um, let me try to remember what I would have said to you had I had my wits about me...”

And TDH questions Dion’s new found support from a former PC party tourist.

Some noise and speculation now at Far and Wide about who is going to jump from the leadership train….and get thrown on someone else’s baggage train.

My question would be, what would one of the other leadership hopefuls offer one of the fringe candidates to join an opponents campaign (and in the process effectively sink it)? Better yet just who would be in such a position to offer such a bribe?

With that in mind Viva la revolution.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Conservative moment of the week

The envelope please.

Liberal power couple Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz have publicly broken with the Liberal Party line on the Middle East crisis and are turning to Prime Minister Stephen Harper because of his support of Israel.

Just wondering though, just what is the "Liberal Party line"?

Is it,"if you don't like these policies, we have others"?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ezra on nuance

Read this link

Then think to yourself what federal party has made an unequivocal policy statement on the Israeli-Hezbolla conflict?

The one that can't seem to figure out what it stands for is the same one that is heading for a political train wreck next election.