Liberals new useful idiot part 8
Lorrie goldstien has a
column out on the anti-war types"They have another agenda -- to silence public displays of support for our soldiers not because they "support" them (a logical absurdity) but because they want to demoralize them and to have that demoralization blow back into Canada, in order to create more political pressure to end the Afghanistan mission. "
They? If you want to know who he's talking about look no further than the
red star"The reasons are twofold and intertwined. First, NATO's war against Afghan insurgents is not succeeding. Second, there is not enough political support for that war here at home"
I think its time to out these SOB's.
Labels: the free lunch crowd at it again, useful idiots
Liberals new useful idiot part 7
Imagine this scenario.
Its September and Parliament is getting ready to resume sitting. We've been throught the summer recess with the party leaders doing the summer speaking tour to drum up support, our Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been spending the time being well Prime Ministerial. The MSM gears up for another season of conservative bashing and a coming Provincial election in Ontario, and the so-called pundits dispense with their predictions of whats in the throne speech.
But I digress.
Lets take into consideration this
private members bill.
The left is salivating at the prospect of tabling a motion in the House that the Harper is in contempt of Parliament.
Got some unfortunate news for them.
Harper is going to create a confidence motion over implementation.
Here's how it works. The private members bill orders the government to act on Kyoto but is not a money bill. We know that to implement and meet the Kyoto timetable is by creating a reccesion. That allows Harper to table a plan for implementation that is so draconian that no one would want any part of it. However, and this is the stick the opposition gets crowned with, the option the government will offer is that if the opposition wants this plan they have to take it to the voters, the conservatives (as they did not table the private memebers bill that started all this) have no obligation to implement such a disasterous plan but to
quash the bill would be a vote of confidence.
So liberals, NDP, and Greens? Ready to run an election platform on a plan to implement Kyoto that will be one that has onerous regulations, draconian laws, excessive taxation, and an extremely lower standard of living?
Lets not forget these other platforms that you will have to run on.
Pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.
Diplomatic negotiations with the Taliban.
Ending the Air India Inquiry.
Higher taxes.
Cancelling procurements for military equipment.
Cancelling a cut to the GST.
Cancelling Senate reform.
You get the picture
Labels: useful idiots
Liberals new useful idiot part 6
The story about the CPC sponsoring a NASCAR team is making the rounds but the pointy heads are missing the point.
By criticising motorsports they are not doing any damage to the tories, they are however attacking anyone that enjoys the sport. And that doens't just include NASCAR.
So what major events would the envirocult want banned if this is such a degradation to the environment:
Toronto ?
Montrealx? -
Grand Bend? (I included this one because one of the sponsors is the Teamsters Union and they are all about the "so-called" working class right?)
Seems to hit the MTV right in the pocketbook don't it, because if I'm not mistaken whenever these contests are threatened by lack of funds all the usual suspects run to the federal government with hat in hand to save these "cultural events". Matter of fact Vancouver is still bemoaning the fact that they lost their event to Edmonton.
So which
party wants to ruin your
summer party?
Listening to Adler yesterday and while he was interviewing Judy and I must say this proves the ad is a stroke of brilliance. Now the lib-left is in the position of having themselves defined as the parties (liberal, NDP, Greens) that have set the green bar as any sport that passes a certain threshold of carbon footprint is something the government should be trying to eliminate.
As I've alluded to in past posts, imagine what would happen if the voters in Toronto became convinced that your party believed the Leafs where bad for the environment?
All I can say is: Judy go sit in the corner with Mark Holland and Lizzy May.
Great video by the CPC youth. I'd say a much better effort than ripping off Mac ads.
Labels: useful idiots
New moniker for Stepane Dion
We can now refer to him as the Interm Liberal leader.
Rumours persist that a palace coup is in the works over the summer.
We'll see. Likely BS..but we'll see
Labels: Liberal leadership race
Two clues as to why the liberals are stuck in purgatory
These two commentaries
link 1link 2indicate why it won't matter who leads them right now they'll still not get back to power unless they wrest control of the parties agenda from the left wing kook fringe.
Stop saying capitalism is bad, that you want to tax the hell out of everyday Canadians, advocating free lunch economic policies, and yelling kyoto or death.
Labels: Conservative majority
There is no free lunch
The title of this post basically says it all on how the writer feels about the
so-called dust up over the Atlantic Accord.
H/T National Newswatch
Basically, if they want to keep the Atlantic Accord they can, similarly if they want the new money coming from the federal budget, they can have that if they want.
The fly in their ointment appears to be that they can't get both.
Yes how dare the PM tell the maritimes they can have one or the other but not both.
Sarcasm off....
Perhaps those maritimers that think this is just "unfair" should consider something and let this dumb mainlander understand something.
Just how long did the maritimes expect to remain on the have not side of the equation?
Labels: the free lunch crowd at it again
This is the day
that the envirokult
will be stunned at what hit them.
H/T National Newswatch
Also for a good read on the deja vu of it all read
this excellent post by Joel Johanssen at Proud to be Canadian.
Labels: May's little green monster
Liberals new useful idiot part 5
Looks like somebody in the media is finally catching on to
May's charade.
"The Liberals and the Greens have been joined at the hip ever since Liberal leader Stéphane Dion and Elizabeth May got together to form their Red Green Party. Surely May would prefer a Liberal government to one run by Scary Stephen. Obviously her idea is such that even her buddy Steffi, his trusty dog Kyoto and his policy stealing party don't want it. Perhaps that should tell May something."
Art has figured out that being a naively useful individual May will say whatever garners some media attention knowing damn well she will never be in a position to actually have to follow through on a platform of raising taxes.
Labels: May's little green monster, useful idiots
Ex-Chretien Minister gets smacked down by conservative
Lisa gives Sheila a lesson in recent history.
Copp's opens with the typical liberal anti-american talking point.
"The world is wondering whether Canada has jumped in bed with Bush and they wonder what happened to a proud independent country?"
Then later contridicts herself like a first year psych 101 student.
"If neighbouring Pakistan sees a benefit in talking to the Taliban we have to heed their advice. "
She then follows up by indicating the reason is that her knowledge doesn't extend outside a cloistered environment.
"You keep asking where is my proof? Spend a few days hanging around the United Nations, Brussels or the OECD and you should hear the scuttlebutt that our reputation as an agent for peace is a footnote in history."
As an aside it should be noted that the last possible time Copps was inside either org was when she was minister of heritage....about four years ago.
Of course Corbella makes short work of this naively useful individual. (emphasis mine on the rhetorical "Copp's should know this so she's either ignorant of the facts or she's being disingenious".)
"Pakistan sees a benefit in talking to the Taliban because the Taliban were schooled in and funded by Pakistan. Indeed, many Taliban are Pakistanis.
Surely, you know that? What's more, 99% of Afghans hate the Taliban with a passion.
I hope you know that, too. We do not "have to" take our marching orders from Pakistan,
Sheila. I'm frankly shocked that someone urging us to be more independent would suggest we do so. I realize the Liberals love Hamas and never wanted to declare it a terrorist organization, but the Conservatives tend to call a spade a spade. The rest of the world followed, including France and other countries practiced in the art of appeasement and sophistry. Canada is way more independent now than under the Liberals. Canada has re-established our sovereignty in the north -- over the objections of the U.S., Norway, Finland and others.
What's more, PM Paul Martin, was so afraid of Bush it took him 64 days just to build up enough courage to telephone the President after a NAFTA ruling in favour of Canada on softwood lumber tariffs. By then another ruling had come down that favoured the U.S. and Martin's dithering cost Canada valuable ground on the file. By contrast, it took Harper just about two weeks longer to hammer out a resolution to the dispute. That's leadership and independence. "
I like the last point of bringing up the one thing that Copp's and other liberals won't discuss. Whenever the subject of Paul Martin comes up the liberals run for cover.
Which should be a red flag for liberals to heed for the next election. Conservatives won't be targeting Dion's lack of leadership so much as the past liberal leadership.
The elephant in the room will be why don't liberals want to talk about Paul Martin?
Labels: useful idiots