Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When you think of the liberal party

As a premise to the title, I offer the recent poll from the Beaver naming Trudeau the worst Canadian.

But I digress.

Here's the rhetorical question again.

When you think of the liberal party (federal and provincial) are the first things that come to mind peace, order, and good government?

Or is it, elitism, entitlement, and illegal activities?


Friday, July 27, 2007

Nomadic pot calling the kettle

Some statements just nail the issue, more so when its truth is blatantly obvious.

One example

"at the same time as native organizations are complaining that Ottawa refuses to ratify the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, they themselves are working with the three federal opposition parties to block the Tory human rights bill."

What!!!! the party of the charter(tm) refusing to advance charter rights for all Canadians!
Is hell freezing over?
Or is it the lefts fear of a collective memory fading away?

Here I'll give the brief explaination.
Ask anyone under the age of 30 which ex-PM they remember.
Mulroney or Trudeau?


Thursday, July 26, 2007

You can tell you're winning the war on terrorism

When Timmy Taliban in a fit of deperation kidnaps 22 christian aid workers from a nation that is performing a non-combat role in Afghanistan. In the process these Einstien's reveal how adept they are by not only extending their deadline, but also by pissing off the world community by revealing what kind of barbarians they are by executing one of the hostages because they where too sick.
And what is it this group of criminals want?
Well they want some of their compatriots freed of course. No doubt due to their dwindling ranks from desertions, losses from attacks by coalition troops, and by sending some their so-called supports on one use suicide bombing runs.

I recall watching a scene from the movie Patton where the general was remarking after a particularly savage battle with the enemy how he could tell the German's where losing the war.
The enemy was using horse carts not trucks to transport.

At this point in the battle against terrorism, with timmy taliban going to this length against a foe that has more resourses, more manpower, and frankly in spite of the best efforts of the left and the MSM talking heads more will to win, I think that very soon they may be considering the option of unconditional surrender.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Liberals new useful idiot part 9

You can always tell when the order to abandon the leadership is near when you read writeups with quotes like this:

"The Green Party does not have the chance of actually winning that riding, they don't have the infrastructure or the manpower to get out the vote,"

Meanwhile Lizzy May rather than trying to get this under control is just letting her prime candidates get raided by the other opposition parties.

I wonder if this was part of the deal she made with Dion?


The big loophole in the Kyoto Protocol

Read this article in the FP on friday, I must say its spot on.

First I did a bit of research on the writer Mr Herman and he is a lawyer by trade, has written on trade issues and global trade in particular. He's worked for UWO doing some work for the Ivey School. From the writers perspective this isn't one of Al Gore's disciples.

But I digress.

The article is in a well writen brief basically lays out an arguement that all we have to do as a nation to avoid being penalized under this "international agreement" is to rag the puck.

The part that nails it is this:

"But here's the rub. All this depends on the Kyoto parties defining the terms of the "second commitment period," post-2012. Without agreement on this post-2012 period, the compliance committee is just a paper tiger. It can't enforce anything against Canada because, so far at least, the period after 2012 remains a huge void. Nothing has been agreed."

So if there is no agreement amoung the signatories before the deadline of 2012, nobody gets penalized. Let me be specific, if the rest of the signatories can't get the major emitters to sign on to a plan that is going to potentially constrict them economically the protocol is basically dead.

....Gee I can't see any reason why so-called major emitters like China, India, and the US would be reluctant to sign on.....sacasm off.

Long ago I prescribed to the idea that there is always someone else somewhere in this world that is smarter, or stronger, or wiser than me. So if Lawrence can figure this out, so did others including those in a position of power.....its they just didn't or can't say so. I'll go further and name names.
Jean Chretien knew when he signed us up without any debate in the house.

Oddly this logic that until the "major" emitters agree to targets Kyoto will not achieve its so-called goal is the type of talk we've been hearing from Harper and his past and present enviroment ministers. Go figure, they understand international agreements.

This begs the next question that I feel warrants some investigation.
Who might be the people that don't want to realize this reality?

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Some overdue payback


  1. There is suppose to be some agreement in the works between Pakistan and NATO to give the go allow NATO to come into Pakistan.
  2. Musarif (sp?) has some cornered in the Red Mosque and he's given them the ultimatum.
  3. The bad guys have resorted to using bigger boomers, are they getting desperate?
  4. Harper is setting up the opposition on the Afghan mission, I suspect this one is going to split the liberal party for good.

Sounds to me like the end is near for Timmy Taliban.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The torch has been passed

But will our generation let it fall?

If those calling for a retreat from Afghanistan have their way I fear the future of generations of Canadians will be forced to fight this enemy on our own soil.

Did they forget about 9-11?
Have they forgotten the bombings in Madrid, in London?
The riots in Paris?
The fact that both Hamas and Fatah still refuse to recognize Israels right to exist?
That its obvious now that Iran is funding and supplying the terrorists in Iran, Afghanistan, and in Gaza and the West Bank?

I pray that God will show mercy on us, for as its been proven this enemy will not.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Dominion Day

Happy Dominion Day Canada.

Some facts.

Unlike the so-called opinion of some Quebec liberals, this nation is indeed a confederation.

Prior to that it was just a colony of Great Britain.
Prior to that a colony of France.
And before Europe managed to establish colonies, asian nomands came across the Bearing straits.
Before that nothing but wildlife, vegitation and old dinosaur bones.

What it is now is Canada, and its roots can be found in many nations.

Speaking of which that word nation can and does have differing meanings to some.

But to me it has only one.

Canada is my nation, and Canadian is my nationality.
