Thursday, March 29, 2007

Media bais

There was one statement that stood out as blatant hypocracy in this article.

"(Politicians) who talk to us should know that what they're saying will be used by media people," said Richard Brennan, gallery president and a reporter for the Toronto Star. "They should know that it is not going to be used against them in an attack ad."


Is this the same Toronto Star that has in the past written some extremely negative articles about Mr Harper? And is this not the same press gallery president that has insisted that gallery reporters sign his list and not the PM's if they want to ask a question during meetings with the PM?

That or its just sour grapes.


Liberals make it official its now the Toronto Party

Here's a hint.

When you make an effort to reach out to rebuild a national alternative to the governing party, you might want to run some so-called star candidates outside of the GTA.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

The next liberal leadership race

I always have this habit of giving odds on these things well before they become the flavour of the moment.

So here it is.

The next contest is between Justin Trudeau and Gerrard Kennedy.
The also rans?
Iggy and Rae will attempt a repeat, but Iggy will again come up short and Rae will soon follow, their age will be the factor that puts them out of contention.

And due to the liberals unwritten rule of alternation, Justin will be out of luck but will get a consolation of being deputy leader.
And at that moment his organizing to unseat the sitting leader will begin....encouraged of course by the hard left wing of the party desperate to recreate "trudeau-mania".
Theme song will be "stuck in the sixties again".

If this possible outcome comes to pass, the conservatives are guaranteed to be in office for the next 20 years.
The reason is that the "reasoned voice" has been silenced in the liberal party.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Go for Bob Go for broke

Heard Bare Ass has decided which seat he's entitled to.

One question that any astute campaigner might want to press Bob on during the nomination watch is if he will do something about the extremist elements infiltrating the liberal party.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Heir apparent to the leadership of the liberaly-independant party will run next election

You heard it here first.

Chast Introdo the heir apparent to the throne of liberal-independant party has decided to seek the nomination in the riding of Fair-Weather-Federalist.

When asked what he will have to offer the voters he responded, "I'm running because of my name".

Rumours have abounded since last years leadership convention and party group hug that he would be seeking the big chair of the party as most of the party membership elites decided that it was his by birth rite. Most observers and navel gazers (when they were not on Brittn'y watch) have been told by Chast that he will become the next leader and Prime Minister when the current leader is evicted because "I'm entitled to my entitlement".

As most will recall Chast has been in the public tabloid talking points since he got married last year and speculation has run rampant whenever the indie-lib poll numbers start dropping. However most observers seem to think that Introdo will have difficulty winning the nomination as his opponent is a poster child for all the politically correct causes near and dear to the youth wing or kook fringe of the party. Supporters point out however that due to the shining light emminating from the divine influence of "his grace" (as they like to call him) will blind any opposition to his campaign and he will cake walk his way to the big chair.
They also expect that once he wins his seat in Parliament his ascent to the leadership will be a foregone conclusion.
Naysayers seem to have fears that this will be a repetition of inter-party civil infighting which lead to the downfall of the previous leader. However when we queried as to the name of that last leader none of them could recollect his name.

Developments are on going and we at Gimbol's D&S are actively working to get an exclusive interview with the young prince.
Stay tuned.
