Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chantal Hebert outs closet separatist at Radio Canada

Heres the link to her column


Here's the quote

"Over that time, Derome studiously refrained from participating in the public debate, keeping his political leanings to himself, although one could conclude from his acceptance of the Order of Canada some years ago that he was a federalist."

He "studiously" refrained from revealing his political leanings? What does that mean? He purposely kept an opinion that if spoken openly would have had him cleaning out his desk at a federally funded organization?
"although one could conclude from his acceptance of the Order of Canada some years ago that he was a federalist"

So the guy according to Hebert, was purposely hiding his views on federalism? What veiw would that be?
Seeing as he isn't using his time to promote federalism, should we wonder if he's a Canadian of convenience?

No wonder Iggy's poll numbers went up in Quebec, he has something in common with the fair weather federalists and the closet separatists. They see him willing to put the "meat on the bone" for the separatists.

My response.
If Canada is divisible, so to is Quebec.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Ignatieff's far rightwing views?

No I don't believe for a minute the guy is really right wing, matter of fact I don't think he's ever held fast to any belief. Any resemblance to a show of belief or statement made to express same by Squidward is either coincidence or done for show to keep on side with his audience.

But I digress.

Iggy wants to "show" he's a centrist.

Oh goody....

Please explain then as leader of the liberal party what rightwing policies you agree with and a plan to impliment them.

Here's the to do list for Iggy:

  1. Eliminate the gun registry.
  2. Bring in a triple E senate.
  3. Return the definition of marriage to its traditional meaning of one man one woman.
  4. Get the federal government out of provincial jurisdiction, start with health care.
  5. Speaking of Prov-Fed jurisdiction, end the shell game of transfer payments.
  6. Rescind Canada's signature from the Kyoto Accord.
  7. Pledge to equip Canada's Navy with nuclear subs so they can operate year round in the Arctic.
  8. Make the CBC a private corporation.
  9. Ban the Bloc from sitting in the HoC.
  10. Lastly, reveal the names of the Quebec ridings that got the Adscam money, have the perps arrested and then have them stand trial.

This is just a start. However, because it requires Squidward to actually come out with a plan I doubt this will even come up on the radar of something "big". I do expect that if he wants the LPC to shift to the right this should remind us all what that path entails.

And frankly I don't think he has the onions to even suggest some of this stuff.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just a reminder of whats wrong with the LPC

This is a quote froma post I did some time ago....still holds true today and is an explaination of why the CPC truth ad will frame Iggy quite well.

"During their leadership race It won't matter what big ideas they can manage to co-opt from another party, or if they can fabricate a leadership messiah, or find enough "mania" to create some juggernaut that will bring them "the biggest majority ever". Its about arrogance folks, and if there is one thing Canadians won't cotton to it's a bunch of elitist know-it-alls that believe only they have all the answers.

This attitude comes across that as far as they are concerned:

Parents can't raise their own kids. (national childcare)
Parents can't handle $100 a month.
Health care is a very complex issue.
Legitimate gun owners are unable to secure their own weapons. (the Gun registry)
Natives can't make it out in the real world on their own. (Kelowna Accord)
Drug addicts need safe injection sites. (liberal policy)
If marijana was decriminalized drugs wouldn't be a problem. (liberal policy)
Street gangs need basketball courts.
Prostitutes need trade unions and safe place to ply their "trade". (liberal policy)
Global warming won't go away unless we buy some hot air credits from countries that are polluting. (carbon tax)

"People can't help themselves, they need our (liberal) guidance".

Its like they forgot what the concept of free will actually means. Now here's a shock for any so-called liberals that happened to get lost in a late night web browse and found yourself here. The majority of Canadians are folks that go to work and make a fair wage for a fair days work, then they go home to their families and they sit down to dinner together. Heck some of them even say grace. Then afterwards, unlike the minority of us political watcher types, they might watch some TV, but not if the weather is good. They go outside and meet with friends. On Sunday some of them go to church, or not. You see these people around you all the time. But where you don't see them is at a protest march or being a rent a mob for the cause of the moment.

Here's another shock for you, about 99.9 % are not into alternative lifestyles.

The majority are Joe and Jane Sixpack. Ordinary folks, with ordinary lives. Maybe their kid needs braces, or plays on the little league team. They might be a two income family, they might not. For that matter the wages they make are pretty average, not six figure, but they manage what they have, and if the government would quit coming up with "social programs" to advance the latest cause du jour they may just be able to hang on to a little bit more of it. I guarantee you that if the government doesn't have a national program to babysit their pre-school kids they would still muddle through. People do that, they encounter difficulties in life, they overcome them, or they adjust and adapt to the new reality. Nobody said life was suppose to be easy...except liberals."

I'll also add that the government that makes some of life's decisions for you is one that will also take away the freedom to make that decision.

Independent thought is the bane of a liberals existence.

That and the fact that the ad is full of quotes straight from the horses mouth is why they work.

I'm going to go make a list of those signatories of the coalition to present to the liberal and NDP candidates that come knocking at my door next election. They can tell me why they where for a coalition with the Bloc before they where against it.


Conservative ideas for success

Rewrite Aug 11 2009

1-Be the party of lower taxes and smaller government. Start by ending all tax payer funding of political parties.
2-That laws are not created for fashionable or transient reasons, but based on a balance of rights, obligations, and reasonable limits to both the individual and the state. State in clear terms that Parliament is a national body and not for special or regional interests. Demonstrate this by disallowing official party status in the HoC to political parties that restrict their organization to one province.
3- That our national defence requires that we have the capability and capacity to carry out those missions that protect our security.
4-Be the party that recognizes and respects the limitations of federal and provincial jurisdictions as laid out in the constitution. State that Constitutional changes can only be achieved through a clear mandate from the voters to do so and not the demands of special interest groups.


Friday, May 01, 2009

Iggy thanks who???

If Squidwad wants to thank anyone for a crisis, perhaps he should be sending flowers to Gilles Duceppe, Jack Layton, his old boss Dion and anyone else that signed the coalition document.

However, if the thanks are intended due to his taking over the leadership, he should be careful what he wishes for.

An election where the choice is between a party that wanted to do away with the tax payer funding to political parties, and a separatist-socialist coalition that want to keep it would be one the conservatives would win.

One more small thing that Squidwad might want to reconsider. The liberal party should stop trying to equate that the only good Canadian institutions are liberal ones. However, if they want to retain the perception that the liberal party is an elitist organization made up of nancyboys, busybodies, and killjoys, keep saying it.
Perhaps you can fix your party by destroying it.
