Friday, May 25, 2007

In light of recent events

Namely these.

First was President Bush's success in getting through to the cut and run crowd that he will not hold the military to a political timetable.

Second, to PM Harper who made it clear to the media that the mission in Afghanistan isn't about photo ops its the right thing to do.

To the Lebanese government. That has made it clear to the terrorists that they have only two options.

To Charles Adler, who was able to strip away a major pollsters thin veneer of legitamacy by revealing the pollsters bias.

To the media that has decided not to drink the koolaid and start questioning the folks that plead poverty.

I think these lyrics are a best reflection of these events.

Well I wont back down, no I wont back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I wont back down

Gonna stand my ground, wont be turned around
And Ill keep this world from draggin me down
Gonna stand my ground and I wont back down

Hey baby, there aint no easy way out
Hey I will stand my ground
And I wont back down.

Well I know whats right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin me around
But Ill stand my ground and I wont back down

Hey baby there aint no easy way out
Hey I will stand my ground
And I wont back down

No, I wont back down


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Liberals new useful idiot part 4

Alexa reminds the media what role Elizabeth May plays.

“I just don’t have anything to add to it,” the Halifax MP said. “I think that endless stories about where she is running, where she is not running… just kind of means she is not addressing the real issues.”

And May confirms it.

“I’m not pro-Taliban,” she said with a chuckle, “but the point is that in the Afghani context, they are not the devil we paint them as here."

Lets compare shall we?

On the one had you have the Taliban.

Beheadings, publically executing women for the high crime of walking in public, or just calling for the destruction of the western world. In May's mind, these are just an abberation...nothing to see here.

On the other is the current government of Canada...which she likens to the folks that allowed the destruction of six million jews by the third reich.

Call me impetuous, but I'm thinking the liberal party isn't the only one that may be experiencing a leadership coup soon.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

How many liberal parties are there?

H/T to national newswatch

If I read Angelo's column correctly there is the Iggynation, Kennedy-liberals, the Brison-Rae liberals in name only, the Volpe-Dryden bring out the dead liberals, and the "where's Martha?" liberals.

"What we see is Ignatieff and his people running the Liberals in the House and Kennedy's people handling the nominations for an election with no date. Ignatieff's predominance in the House was more visible and immediate, that's why he was immediately attacked by other Liberals who felt left out.
In the meantime, Kennedy and his people found themselves working in the background as an extension of their leadership campaign activities.
Another jewel of this "new organization" was the policy-making structure. Dion gave the mandate to prepare the electoral program to Bob Rae, Ontario's former NDP premier, and Scott Brison, a former Progressive Conservative MP. I have a lot of respect for both Rae and Brison. But for God's sake, where are the roots of the Liberal party?
Is it possible that whatever was done in the past had to be thrown out? What message does this send to the grassroots Liberal supporters -- so familiar with fighting battles against Brison and Rae -- who now have these two men telling them where to go in the future.
So, while Ignatieff people were digging their foundations in the House, Kennedy's people in the ridings, Rae and Brison were preparing a plan for an election that is not there, for a party that is not interested.
Former leadership candidates Joe Volpe and Ken Dryden look like they have taken a front row seat in the House as spectators, without being involved in the chaos.
As for Martha Hall Findlay, I have nothing to report because nobody understands what she is doing. Funny, that sounds exactly like the report on Stephane Dion. "

This should prove interesting when this leadership race is made official.

I wonder who is going to get blamed for putting the knife in Dion's back when it happens?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yelling fire in the global theatre

Why is it the same folks that accuse Bush of using fear mongering to justify invading Iraq, are using the same means to justify blind adherence to the Kyoto protocol?

Let me carry this thought further.

If the next US presidential election is won by the Democratic candidate will they be obligated to follow through on withdrawing the US from Iraq and crashing the US economy to achieve Kyoto targets?

Or better yet, seeing as the LPC is following the lead of the DNC, would a liberal PM be obligated to follow through on withdrawal from Afghanistan, imposing NEPII on Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Maritimes, and quashing all those anti-terror measures they used to support?


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A thought about jack asses

Two facts about those who use Islam as a cover for terrorism.

1 - They have not and will not be bound by the rules, Geneva convention et al. So don't start with the whining about the Geneva convention being violated.

.2 - They hate us and they want to erradicate us (read genocide against anyone that does not measure up to their standard of a so-called pure follower of Islam). So enough of calling them insurgents, or attaching "Islamic" or "muslim" to their moniker. They are bastardizing a faith for personal gain.

We take the fight to them because to not do so allows them to plot and plan at their leisure.

But I digress.

If we want to really end this, its time we stopped holding our position in Afghanistan and ventured into Pakistan when the Taliban does its fall retreat to rearm and regroup.

You can bet dollars to donuts that Musharif would grow a set if he was confident that NATO forces where going to be keeping the terrorists so busy in the mountains that they don't have the time or resources to cause trouble for him.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Court got this one right.

Pinch me I'm dreaming. You can bet this is going to get buried by the rest of the MSM

Canadian court refuses to declare Iraq invasion illegal
U.S. army deserters lose refugee bid
CanWest News ServicePublished: Friday, May 04, 2007
Two American army deserters who fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq have lost a bid for refugee status after the Federal Court of Appeal refused to declare the 2003 invasion illegal. The Federal Court of Appeal rejected claims from Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey, the first of hundreds of U.S. soldiers who crossed the border rather than face court martial and imprisonment for refusing to serve in a war they say they morally oppose and is illegal because it was not sanctioned by the United Nations. Jeffry House, a lawyer for the two men -- now living in Toronto -- estimated roughly 40 Americans have sought refugee status to avoid the Iraq war. Another 150 or so are in Canada but they have not filed refugee claims. Mr. House said he will ask the Supreme Court of Canada to review the case.

and you'll never see it published in the London's own liberal soap box.

To dove tail to this story, I'd like to ask the plaintiff's.

Why do you want to retain the citizenship of a country you left year's ago to take up citizenship here? I'm not saying you have no right to live and work in Canada, but no one can serve two masters and the concept of "no free lunch" seems to evade them.


Just a thought. If the highest court in Canada says that UN declarations cannot override the laws of a state, does this not also apply to something like the IPCC?
I'll presume that it does and therefore also contend that if the PM decides in the future that Kyoto is a threat to our soveriegnity, that we can pullout of the thing.


The next thing the Harper government should put on its agenda.

With the revelations coming out recently about the workings of the RCMP, (pension mismanagement, Air India, AG report) the Harper government can easily put reforming the RCMP on its "to do" list.

I'd also like to know why the current LG of Ontario Bartleman (sp?) has kept his mouth shut for so long?


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Liberals new useful idiot part 3

I'm not going to preface any commentary on whether May should apologize to Harper or not.

What I will say is that if Harper is equated to Chamberlain, then an extention of the logic to what group of people are equated to nazi's can also be assumed to May's statement.
I will also say that in her official capacity, she cannot speak for herself alone but those that care to share the stage with her.

Again I won't demand an apology, or retraction.

However, I believe that Stephane Dion and particularly Glen Pearson need to make it clear whether they believe just as Elizabeth May does, that any of us who are skeptics of Kyoto should be equated with nazi's?

A collorary to this is the recent spike in gas prices.
You think this is bad? If Lizzy has her way the price at the pumps is going to be three times what it is now. This seems timely that the local A channel nightly news ran a piece on how an increase in gas prices is going to impinge on the volunteers that assist Meals-on-wheels and the local food bank.
Would this be the law of unintended consequences?

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